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Why Balanced Scoreboard?

Why Balanced Scoreboard?

The competitive edge for Financial Planning and Accounting Practices. We all know that today automation of HR functions has become more accessible and affordable for small to medium sized businesses. There are various products that provide generic platforms that you can then customize to suit different businesses. They cover a broad range of important HR […]

Managing people? Could this type of KPI be your missing link?

Managing people? Could this type of KPI be your missing link?

Using qualitative KPIs to transform your Good Team into a Great Team Why are performance reviews often dreaded, when research shows that employees want measures to clarify what they need to achieve to be successful.  Find out what the secret to meaningful measures are, and how getting them right can be key to the effectiveness of […]

Overcoming a fear of feedback

Overcoming a fear of feedback

This article forms part of a series focusing on giving and receiving feedback, one of the most effective tools to enable learning and growth in your people and organisation. Why focus on feedback? Because feedback when done well, provides you with team members’ perspectives that can lead to ideas and opportunities for business growth, increases […]

Staff feedback: You asked for it, now what?

Staff feedback: You asked for it, now what?

Asking for staff feedback and then not acting on it can be worse than never asking for it in the first place. When you ask a team member for their feedback, they appreciate it. It makes them feel valued and heard. It subtly builds them up because it implies, “You matter. What you think, matters.” […]

Staying Ahead With Staff Retention.

Staying Ahead With Staff Retention.

How to conduct effective stay interviews… Retaining employees is critical. Unemployment rates are very low these days, so companies just need to find more – and more innovative – ways to hold onto the people who keep their operations moving forward. One of the best ways to do it is to identify and address potential […]

Is Collaboration the Key to Effective Performance Reviews?

Is Collaboration the Key to Effective Performance Reviews?

How to transform your good team into a great team Performance reviews are a staple within most organisations, but have you ever met someone who looks forward to them? Too often, both team members and managers dread the approach of annual review season. Why? In the traditional format, performance reviews are conducted once, maybe twice, […]

The Power of Goal Setting

The Power of Goal Setting

How to Transform your Good Team into a Great Team Goal setting within your business is a powerful way to align your team. It ensures everyone is rowing in the same direction and focuses each person on what they personally need to achieve and improve upon this month and this quarter, to reach their personal […]

Meaningful KPIs

Meaningful KPIs

What they are and how to identify them You see them everywhere, key performance indicators (KPIs) are a cornerstone of modern management. On paper, the concept is deceptively simple: a list of things you expect your team to do, and against which you measure their performance at review time. Despite the apparent simplicity, many organisations […]