Measuring Employee Well-being
Why we would want to and how we might do so. The Economist group whitepaper recently stated that Business leaders need to add well-being measurements to their executive dashboards. To counteract the great resignation, they stressed it is not enough to introduce employee wellness initiatives, but that businesses need to be able to measure the […]
The Coach Approach to Management
Coaching VS Managing – What’s the difference? There are many leaders and managers who believe they are ‘coaches’ of their team at work. However, many of these same managers are vague about how coaching conversations vary from management interactions. Coaching for performance is a proactive and skilled practice that requires its own skillset. In coaching […]
A new playing field: What is the future of the workplace?
Exploring the future of corporate life in a post-covid19 work from home landscape. It would be great to have a crystal ball and see now what our workplaces will look like in the future. With COVID, our workplaces have journeyed through necessity, from the traditional ‘in the office’ for most employees, to work from home […]
Staying Ahead With Staff Retention.
How to conduct effective stay interviews… Retaining employees is critical. Unemployment rates are very low these days, so companies just need to find more – and more innovative – ways to hold onto the people who keep their operations moving forward. One of the best ways to do it is to identify and address potential […]
Is Collaboration the Key to Effective Performance Reviews?
How to transform your good team into a great team Performance reviews are a staple within most organisations, but have you ever met someone who looks forward to them? Too often, both team members and managers dread the approach of annual review season. Why? In the traditional format, performance reviews are conducted once, maybe twice, […]
Team vs. Staff
How Important is Terminology? “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” — we all learnt this as children, but anyone who has ever been called an unpleasant name can tell you it’s simply not true. Language is one of the most powerful tools human beings use. We are as […]
The Big 4 Benefits of Team Surveys … and What They Mean For You
How to Transform Your Good Team into a Great Team These days, it is ever-more important for managers and business leaders to have a clear understanding of the teams and team members they oversee (in-office or remotely). For this reason, surveys are an excellent way to collect feedback from employees about their experiences and difficulties. […]