Why does ‘accountability’ get such a bad rap?
How to Transform your Good Team into a Great Team Mention accountability and performance reviews, and you will often get a typical response of negativity among team members and managers, or even dread. So why do such accountability systems get such a bad rap? An Accountability study revealed that more than 4 out of 5 […]
The strategic performance review – the evolving face.
How to make your performance reviews really deliver. Despite all the additional and informal ways being promoted today for engaging employees, periodic performance reviews still stand as one of the best ways to formally measure, engage and plan the goals and activities of individual employees. However, the old ‘tick and flick’ performance reviews to meet […]
Measuring Employee Well-being
Why we would want to and how we might do so. The Economist group whitepaper recently stated that Business leaders need to add well-being measurements to their executive dashboards. To counteract the great resignation, they stressed it is not enough to introduce employee wellness initiatives, but that businesses need to be able to measure the […]
The Coach Approach to Management
Coaching VS Managing – What’s the difference? There are many leaders and managers who believe they are ‘coaches’ of their team at work. However, many of these same managers are vague about how coaching conversations vary from management interactions. Coaching for performance is a proactive and skilled practice that requires its own skillset. In coaching […]
Leadership and team performance – connecting the dots.
When we look at great leadership qualities, society often seems to revere confidence and charisma above many other personal traits for achieving success. Certainly, charismatic business leaders, tend to be great ambassadors, conveying vision and confidence in their products and services, that assures an organisation’s clients and team members. But does charisma motivate greater performance […]
A new playing field: What is the future of the workplace?
Exploring the future of corporate life in a post-covid19 work from home landscape. It would be great to have a crystal ball and see now what our workplaces will look like in the future. With COVID, our workplaces have journeyed through necessity, from the traditional ‘in the office’ for most employees, to work from home […]
Why Balanced Scoreboard?
The competitive edge for Financial Planning and Accounting Practices. We all know that today automation of HR functions has become more accessible and affordable for small to medium sized businesses. There are various products that provide generic platforms that you can then customize to suit different businesses. They cover a broad range of important HR […]
Managing people? Could this type of KPI be your missing link?
Using qualitative KPIs to transform your Good Team into a Great Team Why are performance reviews often dreaded, when research shows that employees want measures to clarify what they need to achieve to be successful. Find out what the secret to meaningful measures are, and how getting them right can be key to the effectiveness of […]